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Alderton Parish Council Meeting minutes February 2023

Updated: May 18, 2023

Alderton Parish Council

Parish Clerk and RFO: Julie Whiting

50 Willow Bank Road, Alderton, Tewkesbury GL20 8NJ

Email: www.

Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held in Alderton Village Hall, Alderton

On Tuesday 21st February 2023 commencing at 7PM

Present Parish Councillors Nicki Broderick, John Kettle, Keith Page, Dennis Rayton and Mike West

In attendance Julie Whiting, Clerk and RFO

230221/01 To elect a Chairman and signing of Acceptance of Office form

Cllr. Kettle nominated Cllr. West as Chairman for next two months.

This was seconded by Cllr. Broderick.

Council resolved to elect Cllr. West as Chairman for next two months

Cllr. West duly signed the Declaration of Office form.

230221/02 To receive and consider apologies for absence and confirm the meeting is quorate

Apologies had been received the previous month from Councillors Mason, Murphy and Gray due to a TBC full council meeting.

230221/03 No members of public present.

230221/04 Clerk read out an email from the resident proposing the shindig, informing that this was to be delayed until 2024. Clerk had received a full risk assessment document from insurers for any Coronation Events.

Cllr. Broderick reported that the VH Committee had Coronation event/s planned.

It was agreed, if needed, to support the VH with ACT money surplus from jubilee celebration and that Clerk would forward the Risk Assessment document.


230221/05 No Declarations of Interest on Agenda items.

230221/06 To confirm and sign the draft minutes of the January meeting. These were duly signed with a

couple of small amendments.

230221/07 To receive the clerk’s report. This was duly received.

230221/08 No Borough or County Councillor reports received.

230221/09 Cala had been contacted and answer awaited from first response.

GCC had been contacted and response is awaited from Highways development team.

Cllr. Page reported several highways issues around the village and some were being attended by Severn Trent including where the traffic lights were in operation in front of Cala2.

23/0221/10 APP/G1630/W/22/3310117 Rainier development

The initial Inspector assigned to the Enquiry is no longer available and replacement only available via zoom.

Although not ideal it was noted that all the agreed speakers were available on those dates. Proofs of evidence would be needed, but each inspector has their own requirements.

No news from Black Box or Charles Church proposals.

Sewage Pipe in field opposite Cala2 will be installed by end of month, but no news about removal of existing pipe.


Dixton Manor listed building and planning request. Neither Cllr. Broderick or West had any objections. Cllr. Rayton would peruse DR

23/00221/11 Finances

a) To consider the two quotes received for playing field mowing, a third Ubico had not quoted.

It was decided to accept Greenfields quote as they were slightly cheaper and the council was happy with the standard of work. They would be informed. RFO

b) To consider SSE Business Energy contract due to expire 28th February. This was accepted if the quoted figure was indeed correct. RFO

c) The January Bank Reconciliation was duly received, although RFO explained it should be called monthly income and expenditure document.

d) Invoices were received and approved.

e) New TBC payment for waste bins would be paid which was net of CIL money.

f) It was agreed to buy March 23 version of SLCC manual at £47-50 to update the Arnold Baker 1999 and to try to obtain a later version of the AB.

g) The budget 23/24 would be produced after the 22/23 budget to actual figures from the spreadsheet had been completed. Technical Spreadsheet assistance was required. KP/JK

23/00221/12 All bins have been moved to the agreed places.

23/00221/13 Council elections- confirmed we can have 7 councillors. Clerk had circulated GAPTC toolkit which has comprehensive advice on process dates and interviews with councillors and information on the roles of chair and councillors. Also advertising posters.

Key dates 14th March nominations open 22nd March councils enter Purdah, 4th April 4pm applications close. Forms will be available soon and need to be handed in to TBC.

Clerk to put posters on noticeboards and pack on website.


23/00221/14 Allotments update. Cllr. Page proposed that all allotment holders should be asked to pay their fees in September to simplify accounting. It was agreed that would need to be phased in for 2024. It was also agreed to invite the new Chair of AAA, Nick Andrews to the next PC meeting.

23/0021/15 Report on Dumbleton tree felling -Cllr West reported that there seemed to be little on the insect impact. It was just possible that there are rare click beetles which are on neighbouring hills. He was asked to draft a response. MW

23/0021/16 It was decided to delay the Alderton Parish meeting until after the elections in May-date to be determined at next meeting.

23/0021/17 Playing Field. Cllr Page confirmed that he had obtained a quote for painting of windows and doors etc of changing room from Andy Perry of Northway £445. It was agreed that grey would be best colour as timber weathers to silver. Agreed.

A quote for the repair of fence around the millennium copse was yet to be obtained and possibly painting horse. KP

RFO informed the meeting that we had received a quote from Rospa for playground inspection in April. £105 + VAT. This was approved. RFO to book.

23/0021/18 Cllr Page reported on damage to the door of the changing room which had been used by a football team. A quote would be obtained for repair work and further investigations would take place with awareness of cost passed to team. Also January £90 for 3 games would be billed with contract with damage waiver £50 and request for insurance details. Clerk

23/0021/19 Cllr Page reported that many council items were being stored at Corner Cottage. This needed resolution.

It was decided that Cllrs Kettle and West would make inventory and find storage. This included the VAS which needed further discussion at next meeting. JK/MW

23/0021/20 Review of Assets -needed updating Clerk produced last document and it was agreed Cllrs West and Kettle would update.

23/0021/22 Newsletter – there had been problems with production. Cllr Broderick will find out what is proposed for the future. NB

23/0021/23 Agenda items for next meeting. Date of Annual Parish Meeting : Update on VAS :

Main Meeting closed 10.25pm- clerk left.

23/0021/24 Staffing item – Councillors only- actions on Clerk/RFO role agreed. MW

Dates of next meetings : March 21st, April 18th [ Subsequently agreed not to hold March meeting]

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