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Alderton's Heritage Sites


Full list of local Heritage sites can be found on Tewkesbury Borough Councils website Local heritage sites.

Lower Farm, St Margaret’s Road, Alderton Tewkesbury GL20 8NN

Lower Farm, which is on the South East edge of the village adjacent to the Winchcombe Way, is the only remaining farm from the 17th Century which is still in situ in its original agricultural setting and which has not been subsumed into the many and various building expansion phases of the community. In the field to the east of Lower Farm lie the ruined foundations of a similar building which demonstrate how easily such important historical sites can be lost. It can be seen from many vantage points and forms part of a beautiful and historic landscape which should be preserved. It has had several phases of additions over the centuries, most notably in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Each addition has been created in the vernacular style of its period and so the evolution can be clearly seen. The northern end is the oldest part and is of a post-medieval square-framed, timber construction with intact wattle and daub infill panels dating from the mid 17th century. Inspections of the structure, particularly in the roof void reveal it to be a relatively rare two-room plan hall house which had an external brick and stone chimney; a design which traces its origins back to medieval times. Referenced in the book Discovering Timber Framed Buildings P 50/51 by Richard Harris ISBN 0 85263 481 1 Downstairs has an interesting original large flagstone floor which is possibly made from materials salvaged from the dismantling of nearby Hailes Abbey. Outside, there are signs of foundations of other buildings which may yield interesting archaeological findings as well as 2 intact and functional medieval wells. To the south, there is an ancient cider apple orchard established on a medieval ridge and furrow field.


Alderton Pillboxes and Ammunition Store, Pillbox 1 Dibden Lane (north) and Pillbox 2 and Ammunition Store close to Alderton Playing Field

The three pillboxes were hastily erected in c1940. The threat of invasion was extremely real, so a huge number of these structures were built at strategically targeted positions to form a "stop line". This was a term used to describe these pillboxes as means of slowing up and stopping a German advance. Alderton is unique as a village around these parts to have a pillbox let alone three of them. The pillboxes are all located on the main arterial roads of the village. There was a strong likelihood that Alderton could have been a tank a strategic point to stop a column of tanks, and associated support vehicles. The style of the pillboxes is identical others in the Greet, and Winchcombe area still surviving. Built of an inner brick centre, with a reinforced concrete roof and Cotswold stone facings. I suppose the choice of the latter material helped them to be somewhat camouflaged. Inside each is a series of windows, designed to give a wide angle of fire, from a relatively narrow oblong opening. These had concreted surrounds. Below each window are some metal feet brackets fixed to the masonry, perhaps a means of mounting the legs of a Bren or Lewis gun. The locations of the three are on the Beckford Road behind the former site of Moors Farmyard, on the Dibden Lane on the left hand side as you exit the village, and in the field between Keith Page's field and the Sewerage works. The latter used to be part of Windmill Farm. Opposite Windmill Farm, in the scrubland near the entrance to the sewer we uncovered the concrete cylindrical road block which commonly had a large post attached to them identified in the late 70s. At the top of the track behind the Manor, in the pony field is a red brick structure with a flat top concreted roof - the munitions store for the Home Guard in World War Two. As can be seen in Ian Parkin's book, Alderton had a sizeable Home Guard unit.


Alderton Milestone, OFF B4077 - OS Grid Ref SP 01661 32423

A report from the Milestone Society confirmed the existence of a milestone off the B4077 near Alderton Fields. This has recently been cleared of vegetation by the Parish Council. The Milestone Society have recorded this milestone [ on Geographic record] and have commented that it is the only survivor on this road and that there are very few other milestones in the area. This milestone is not therefore proposed. However, the Parish Council have identified a second milestone which Is also on the north side of B4077, about half a mile away, and is down a steepish bank in the hedge bottom, 21m the Alderton side of the grey highways signpost with nothing on It and close to the junction with Dibden Lane. It does lean back into the hedge and the plate is missing but it would have said Tewkesbury 8 miles/ Stow 12miles. The vicinity had to be cleared to reveal the milestone which had got completely obscured. The nearby milestone, mentioned in the first paragraph above was, according to the Milestone Society, erected by the Stow to Stump Cross Turnpike Trust in the 19th century. We assume this milestone is of a similar vintage. The milestone is marked on the Ordnance Survey map, published in 1828 and updated in 1869.This one interestingly has two Bench Marks, one at the bottom is the old pre 1920s( broader arrow) but it looks like the bar at the top flaked off so was replaced in later re-levelling by the Ordnance Survey in the 1960s by a brass rivet on top with narrower arrow pointing to it. Bench Mark values lower ( Liverpool ) 188.5Ft (57.454m) in 1884 & 1902 and Latest value 57.485m(1960s Newlyn) but not same mark this is to the rivet on top of stone OS Grid Ref SP 01661 32423. – Alerton Parish Council & Milestone Society



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