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March 2023 - Meeting Minutes - Alderton Parish Council

Mark Watts-Jones

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

Alderton Parish Council

Parish Clerk

Email: www.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in Alderton Village Hall, Alderton on Tuesday 21st March 2023 commencing at 7pm

Present Parish Councillors: John Kettle, Keith Page, Dennis Rayton and Mike West.

230321/01 Cllr Kettle was appointed as temporary Clerk

230321/02 To receive and consider apologies for absence and confirm the meeting is quorate.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Broderick and Cllrs Mason, Murphy and Gray.

230321/03 One member of the public present.

230321/04 No Declarations of Interest on Agenda items.

230321/05 To confirm and sign the draft minutes of the February meeting. These were duly signed.

230321/06 Matters arising from the February minutes to be considered at the April meeting. However there had been an open meeting at the Village Hall on March 14th to inform any potential new Cllrs of the role of a Parish Councillor. Election notices have been displayed.

230321/07 The following payments were approved:

1. Salary payment for Parish Clerk.

2. PATA payment

3. A & E fire services

4. We Build It

5. SSE (paid by Direct Debit)


7. Water Plus

EDF refund noted

230321/08 The following payments were approved subject to receipt of invoices and Cllr authorisation: Village Hall 3 meetings, Wayne Gore, Nick Charrington.

The following payments were likely to arise in the next financial year Andy Perry – painting, Parks and Landscapes – repairs to Millennium Copse fence, GAPTC.

230321/09 Draft budget statement: for 2022/2023 was agreed and would be updated to reflect payments approved at this meeting, falling in the 2022/2023 financial year. It was agreed in principle that CIL money should be shown separately and that reserve funds that had been specifically increased in the financial year should be part of the payments listing. Also agreed to open another PC bank account for CIL income. JK

Cllr Page was thanked for updating the Cashbook and drawing up the budget statement.

23/0321/10 Proposed budget for 2023/2024 was discussed. Further discussion to take place at a working group meeting with budget to be presented to the April PC meeting. KP

23/0321/11 PATA annual statement was noted – status of form P35 to be checked. MW

23/0321/12 GAPTC have been asked to undertake the audit of the accounts – process and time scales need to be checked. MW

23/0321/13 Need to undertake an AGAR return by July. Check requirements with GAPTC. MW

23/0321/14 Planning – the following applications were received. Initial investigation as follows:

23/00257/FUL 37 Willow Bank Road – demolish existing rear hobby/store outbuilding. Erection of single storey rear and side extension and alteration to the fenestration. NB/KP

23/00235/FUL 48 Willow Bank Road – demolition of existing single storey extensions. Erection of 2 storey side and rear extension and single storey side extension. Installation of new windows to side elevation. Rendering of existing property. DR

23/00240/FUL 9b Beckford Road - erection of a first floor rear extension and installation of a rear roof dormer. DR

Dates of next meeting: April 18th 2023 at 7pm

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