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April 2023 - Meeting minutes - Alderton Parish Council

Mark Watts-Jones

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

Alderton Parish Council

Parish Clerk

Email: www.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in Alderton Village Hall, Alderton on Tuesday 18th April 2023 commencing at 7pm


Parish Councillors: John Kettle, Keith Page, Dennis Rayton and Mike West. Borough

Councillors Jim Mason and John Murphy

There was one resident attending.

230418/01 To receive and consider apologies for absence and confirm the meeting is


Apologies had been received from Cllr Broderick and Cllr Gray.

230418/02: Declarations of interest – Cllr Kettle 9b Beckford Road.

230418/03: Minutes of March meeting approved by PC and signed by Cllr West

230418/04: Matters arising: March Minutes:

CIL money –Cllr Page will confirm amount of CIL contribution being given.

230418/05: P35 – confirmation of receipt to be retained by Parish Council.

230418/06: Nothing heard from GAPTC. Need to have confirmation that GAPTC will audit accounts.

230418/07: Planning:

23/00257/FUL: 37 Willow Bank Rd – been approved.

23/00235/FUL: 48 Willow Bank Road –response submitted.

23/00240/FUL: 9B Beckford Road –Parish Council response to the proposal was agreed.

22/00446/FUL Part parcel Willow Bank Road – refused.

230418/08: Matters arising February minutes

  • Jubilee celebrations/ACT money: Process of transferring remaining Jubilee money to ACT account is underway. Arrangements in hand for contribution to the Coronation celebrations.

  • Greenfields mowing quote has been accepted – they have started.

  • SSE – quote accepted.

  • Tree cutting report on Dumbleton Hill – Council has given a response.

  • Repair of Playing Fields fence – done.

230418/09: No comments from the public.

230418/10: Planning

22/00998/FUL: Black Box Land Behind 52 to 74 Willow Bank Road Alderton

Tewkesbury. Full planning application for the erection of 56 dwellings with associated

infrastructure and amenities along with demolition of an existing dwelling on land to the west of Willow Bank Road, Alderton.

PC have put in their objection and the public have put in over 100 objections. Waiting to go to TBC Planning Committee. Situation to be checked by NB

23/00204/FUL: Proposed rural exception site comprising 26 affordable homes and associated works Dibden Lane.

There were concerns about some of the documentation associated with this application. Situation to be checked by NB.

230418/11: Rainier Inquiry - had 6 days so far with one more day for closing statements. 15 villagers spoke and there was a site visit with the Inspector today.

230418/12: Annual meeting Wednesday 24th May – to say a proper farewell to Cllr Page.

Email village organisations to ask for their annual reports HW.

230418/13: Parish Council Elections - on May 4 th – there are 7 Councillor seats and 6 people had stood – 2 new Councillors Martin Davies and Paul Woodman – therefore no election needed.

230418/14: New Code of Conduct – agreed.

230418/15: Allotment matters

Cllr Page met with new Allotment Association Chair and a number of issues were discussed.

  • Allotment Toilet – Council to decide where to put it.

  • Old shop – in need of repair.

230418/16: Playing Field matters:

  • Discussions are taking place with a new Football Team who are interested in using the pitch.

  • Park and Landscapes has replaced broken bit of fence in copse and put some bark down.

  • Alderton Team bunker – to be left there as useful for storage.

  • Pitch had 1st mow - done on a fortnightly cycle.

230418/17: Highways matters: potholes – no response from Gloucestershire Highways.

230418/18: Borough Councillors made brief reports on matters of interest.

There will be an election on May 4 th for Borough Councillors.

230418/19: Finances – to approve payments and note receipts: the following payments were approved and will be made between meetings:

Alderton Parish Council April 2023 Payment Schedule

230418/20: Budget 23/24 – draft proposals discussed - to be finalised at May meeting. It was agreed that a finance working group would meet on Thursday 20th April 2- 4pm.

230418/21: Payments schedules for 2022/23 – a number of small discrepancies had been noted in previous reports. A thorough review has been undertaken and attached are updated monthly schedules for the whole year. These have been cross checked with the cash book.

These schedules were agreed. Cllr Page was thanked for this review.

230418/20: Bank Accounts – arrangements in hand to update signatories.

230418/22: Cllr Page’s last formal meeting and he was thanked for his huge contribution over the last 40 years. His presence has been requested at the Annual Parish Meeting.

Dates of next meeting: Tuesday May 16th at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Download minutes:

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